Monday, June 6, 2011

Shooting Tips and Tricks

Here's a collection of random things I've picked up that help on set to make a better shot.

Events Around Atlanta: A Recap

This past month I've been mostly away from the blog but to make up for it I'm gonna give you two posts in a row. I know. Crazy, right? Not really. Maybe a little. Anyway, I've gone to two events by two different organizations in the Atlanta area. The first was none-other than the Atlanta Film Festival where I saw "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold," a Morgan Spurlock documentary. I also attended three seminars entitled "How to Pitch Your Project," "How to Make a Living as a Freelancer," and "How to Get an Agent." This entire event is brought to you by the Georgia Production Partnership (GPP) among other sponsors. The second event was a small seminar about pitching a project sponsored by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS).